Australia Ningbo Association Incorporated

Event and Seminar

Ningbo Association invites federal members to hold the Immigration New Deal Dialogue

Release Date:2017-06-03 00:00:00Clicks:599Publisher:

A few days ago, the Ningbo Association of Ningbo, Australia, took away the 457 part of the list of occupations that were widely concerned and hotly discussed by the fellow villagers and raised the PR immigration requirements, and invited the Federal Assemblyman Julian Hill and Labor Multicultural Consultant Jeniffer Yang to organize the meeting. 



A new immigration reply to questions and dialogues. Less than ten o'clock in the morning, the villagers came one after another. They took a call with their questions and even brought their opinions.



 Xu Baicong, has also brought a small souvenir specifically designed and custom printed with the logo of the Association in the country. Fidget Spinner, a popular student group in Australia, has been presented as a small gift to fellow villagers.

The event was chaired by Zhang Fengshuo, vice president of Ningbo Tongxiang Association and general manager of Yutong Group, a professional immigration company. 




President Xu made an opening remark. He briefed the nearly 200 participants present at the event about the original intention of the event. Various parties supported the supporters to express their gratitude, and expressed that the establishment of a platform for communication and dialogue between fellow township residents and parliamentarians will always be one of the initiatives of the township association to serve the fellow villagers.



Julian Hill MP, who was invited to attend the event, first introduced his personal situation and his political experience. Then he introduced the difference between the new policy and the original policy and gave 457 visa holders and not yet naturalized. Changes brought about by PR or PR applicants. He also expounded his views on the New Deal as an opposition party, a member of the Labour Party.



When the event entered the stage of free questioning, the atmosphere was very lively and orderly. The participants raised their hands and raised questions. They had questions about the New Deal not fully understood. They questioned whether the New Deal was legal or not. It is hopeful that Julian would return to the new immigration voice when he returned to Canberra a few weeks later. There are also demands for the government. Adopt different policies for different visa categories...


现There are also Chinese citizens who are already Australian citizens present at the scene. Mr. Julian Hill said to the congressman that the government should adhere to the principle of fairness and fairness in line with the principle of fairness and justice in line with Australian values and the spirit of the legal system.



The event was particularly grateful to the Melbourne Xinhua Lions Club for providing venues, thanks to the Australia-Asia Cultural and Economic Promotion Association, the Australian Hubei Association, the Zhuji Association of Australia, the One Belt One Road Australian Chamber of Commerce, the Australian PR Rights Protection Association, the Australian Chinese Fraternal Association, and the Yara Chinese. Associations, Australia Guangdong Friendship Association, 

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